Thursday, October 30, 2008

Usher's album travels

Usher's next album will be a "worldwide entertainment experience".

The 'Yeah' singer plans to tour the globe recording tracks for the LP in different countries in order to take on as many new influences as possible.

He said: "The album is all about adapting new musical styles in creating a unique blend between what I know works in America and what I know will be appreciated worldwide. I may go to France and do some work. I may go to London ... Japan."

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Usher also hopes to work with several different artists as he travels the world but remained tight-lipped on any planned collaborations.

He added: "There's tons of artists I want to work with abroad. I can't give you specific names but I am interested in working with artists who are out of the range I'm accustomed to. I want to try new things."

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