Sunday, November 2, 2008

Fergie Piles On The Pounds For Nine.

Black Eyed Peas star Fergie is on a mission to gain weight for her role in upcoming movie-musical Nine.

The singer - real name Stacy Ferguson - landed the role of a prostitute called Saraghina in the new picture, alongside a star-studded cast including Daniel Day-Lewis, Nicole Kidman, Judi Dench, Kate Hudson and Penelope Cruz.

The actors are currently rehearsing in Britain before shooting starts, and Fergie admits that spending time in London is helping her bulk up - as she has a penchant for English food.

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She says, "I actually love (British food). I was actually told to gain weight for the film so I've been eating everything - anything and everything. That's why I am covering up except for my legs because they never gain weight and that's the only part that never changes but everything else is covered".

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